Szszsz Consztellationsz #5 for green robot blend
davidsmorphs2 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 50
Sold 50
Ends after 10608d 20h 51m 46s
Possible mint: #67 / 75
Available / Max supply 0 / 50
Sold 50
Ends after 10608d 20h 51m 46s
Szszsz the cute baby green cobra made by davidsmorphs collection, Sztaresz in szshock at the szight of the hugeszt mouth he ever did szee!!! A big szet of teeth on the head of the creature whosze legsz and tail hasz already been discovered. This time the the only sztar in the cluszter wasz an eye burning like a bright fire. Put all szix of thesze pusszzle pieszcesz together to reveal a special blend NFT