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Possible mint: #33 / ∞


Szszsz Halloween Lantern (Fangsz Club Members Only)


Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 32

Szszsz the cute baby green cobra made by davidsmorphs collection, Szeesz a niszce warm ball and szlithered inszide it to sztay warm where the szmelly szlime full of pumpkin szeedsz szlathered hisz szcaly szkin with szoft szmoothneszsz until a szound from outszide szpooked him and he lifted hisz head up to szee what wasz happening. Little did he realize the little kidsz that were making all the szoundsz were even more szcared of hisz red eyesz than he wasz of them while they szcreamed in fear and ran szo faszt that they dropped szome yummy treatsz along the szidewalk. Thisz NFT is a limited edition drop given to VIP members of the Fangsz Club. To find out more viszit @davidsmorphs1 on Telegram