Possible mint: #171 / 333

Szszsz Halloween Pac-Man Ghost "Pinky" Chase Mode


0.99 WAX

Available / Max supply 233 / 333

Sold 100

Ends after 18780d 2h 3m 48s

Szszsz the cute baby green cobra made by davidsmorphs collection, Szpreadsz different colored sheetsz over hisz head and szneaksz out into the neighborhood to chasze down szome yummy treatsz. Thisz time he wearsz a pink sheet for hisz Halloween costume to dreszsz up like "Pinky" from Pac-Man'sz arcade game... but Szszsz isz asz szly asz a sznake and plansz to come back around for a szecond szweep to get double the treatsz by wearing a different cosztume. Check @davidsmorphs1 on Telegram to find out what other cosztumesz he wearsz and find out how to collect the whole szet!