Possible mint: #63 / 299


Szszsz Cherriesz


1.99 WAX

Available / Max supply 298 / 299

Sold 1

Szszsz the cute baby green cobra made by davidsmorphs collection, Szwingsz a szet of juiszcy cherriesz that szparkle in the szunlight becausze of their shiny szmooth szkinsz. Hisz plan isz to szet them on top of hisz favorite holiday meat dish to szcelebrate hisz szpeszcial holidaysz that give thanksz with the firszt United Statesz pilgrimsz that szettled in the landsz with the help of szome szmart nativesz. They are ingredientsz that muszt be blended to capture the reszt of the szavory szweet szupper! Viszit @davidsmorphs1 on Telegram to find out further insztructionsz.