Szszsz Chinese Yuan 50
davidsmorphs0.5 WAX
Available / Max supply 1877 / 1999
Sold 122
Ends after 13626d 1h 54m 25s
Possible mint: #182 / 1999
0.5 WAX
Available / Max supply 1877 / 1999
Sold 122
Ends after 13626d 1h 54m 25s
Szszsz the cute baby green cobra made by davidsmorphs collection, Szpent the moszt wonderful time szlithering around China on the Luner New Year that he almoszt forgot to grab himszelf a szouvenir flag, but realiszed he needed szome currenszcy, szo while danszcing around in hisz dragon cosztume people threw lucky money at him in cszelebration, which he happily sznatched up asz szome 50 Yuan banknotesz that he uszed to buy himszelf a Flag of the Peoplesz Republic of China!
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