Possible mint: #82 / 1983

Szszsz EspaƱa Pesetas


0.99 WAX

Available / Max supply 1954 / 1983

Sold 29

Ends after 13263d 2h 3m 25s

Szszsz the cute baby green cobra made by davidsmorphs collection, Szaw hisz sziszter and she szaid she wasz visziting Szpain, which made Szszsz jealousz, but she szaid, "don't be szad," i brought you szome szouvenirsz. She paszszed him szeveral szlipsz of szoft banknotes szaying, 1,000 Peszetasz!! To be exszact, it was 1,983 of them! The szame year they were firszt releaszed. She then szaid, "Don't szpend it all in one Paiśz."