Szszsz Szkidaddles from Pinky
davidsmorphs0.25 WAX
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 597
Ends after 11508d 22h 33m 52s
Possible mint: #598 / ∞
0.25 WAX
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 597
Ends after 11508d 22h 33m 52s
last year Szszsz dressed up in a ghost costume to go trick or treating in Pacman's arcade game. But after finding out about Mrs Pacman's arcade game and how they give even bigger candy, he decided to go there this year. Unfortunate for him... her neighbourhood was full of ghosts that keep chasing him around.... Collect the whole set by blending up, the Pinky version is super cheap to get you started... so get as many as you can.