Whitelisted Standard Pack Drop (WAX)
1,659.75 WAX
Available / Max supply 198 / 200
Sold 2
Possible mint: #256 / ∞
1,659.75 WAX
Available / Max supply 198 / 200
Sold 2
Use this drop if you have a Whitelist Pass, snapshot for Vermundos Special Drop Bounty will be taken when the drop ends so keep your pass in your wallet.
Contains x1 Class 3 Chicken NFT or x1 Class 3 Fox NFT.
You can send Chickens on missions to earn GOLD + stake Fox's to watch them steal GOLD and DCYourChickens NFTs for you!
The contents of this pack cannot be stolen.
By taking part in the whitelisted drops you will be included in Vermundos Special Drop Bounty. The rewards are distributed at random to Whitelist Pass holders. The Bounty tracks packs "sold out" from the whitelisted drops only.
🪂 10% Sold Out = x5 Class 3 Packs Airdropped
🪂 20 % Sold Out = x10 Class 3 Packs Airdropped
🪂 30% Sold Out = x15 Class 3 Packs Airdropped
🪂 40% Sold Out = x20 Class 3 Packs Airdropped
🪂 50% Sold Out = x25 Class 3 Packs Airdropped
🪂 60% Sold Out = x25 Class 3 Packs Airdropped + 5 Weapon Packs
🪂 70% Sold Out = x25 Class 3 Packs Airdropped + 10 Weapon Packs
🪂 80% Sold Out = x30 Class 3 Packs Airdropped + 15 Weapon Packs
🪂 90% Sold Out = x30 Class 3 Packs Airdropped + 20 Weapon Packs
🪂 Sold Out = x40 Class 3 Packs Airdropped + 25 Weapon Packs
To find out more join the DCYourChickens Discord: https://discord.gg/dcyourchickensofficial