The great Degen Pirate 420 Booty Hunt
Available / Max supply 153 / 210
Sold 57
Available / Max supply 153 / 210
Sold 57
Welcome all you mateys to the 2024 Degen Pirate 420 Booty hunt. In celebration of being a Wuffi Pawtner we decided to celebrate 420 with him on the decks. However we may have all smoked to much and misplaced some Booty. Make sure to check your nft backing and you may plunder some booty.
I hear mint 69 has 69 Wax!!! And 9 others have 42.0 Wax backing it.
Wuffi checked his pockets and hes missing 174,200,000 WUFFI!!!!!!!! He had them in bundles of 17,420,000 where did they go !!!???
Captain Degen realized he's missing over 1100 WXBOOTY!!!!!! He noticed some cards are backed with 72 WXBOOTY, Currently worth $4.20!
But if I heard right, mint 420 is the best one of all to get for those looking for the Booty..........
Enjoy the plunder mateys and may the treasure gods be on your side. Make sure to check us out at to earn even more Booty while having a great time with the crew!!!!