Degen Wuffi 1.5 Billion $WUF Booty Scratch-2-Win
1,000,000 WUF
Available / Max supply 0 / 2000
Sold 2000
1,000,000 WUF
Available / Max supply 0 / 2000
Sold 2000
Welcome fellow Mateys and Wuffi Degen companions, to the great Scratch-2-Win event on WAX.
Wuffi has tasked your Captain Degen to give away $WUF in only the most fun and Degen of ways. So Captain has hidden 1.5 billion $WUF in the NFseas for you all to find. You can do this with one of these Scratch-2-Win tickets.
Onced scratched (opened), it will reveal your symbols. Match all 3 to win anywhere from 1 to 100 million $WUF!!!!
In honor of Captain and WUFFI pawtnership, you can use both $WXBOOTY & $WUF to get your tickets.
50% off all sales will walk the plank and burn in Davey Jones lockers!!!!
Out of the remaining 50% the $WXBOOTY shall be airdropped to the profit sharing ship holders in a way only Scurvy Bot can deliver
The remaining $WUF shall be used completely to help development and progress Scurvy Bot, the premier AIO Twitch Bot, including its unique watch-2-earn feature aimed to bring all streamers to WAX with its digital loyalty concept.
Good luck everyone we can't wait to see how you all enjoy the Booty Scratch.
P.S. Look at back of ticket for prize and redemption info. at back of ticket for prize and redemption info.
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