Available / Max supply 25 / 25
Sold 0
Possible mint: #21 / 1000
Available / Max supply 25 / 25
Sold 0
2Bitscoin is designing a ecosystem that will allow creators of nfts to easily incorporate their artwork into simple or complex games built on the blockchain. The game that we're designing for our collection, which is called Super Dodge Pixie World and Dogeiemon(Dogedab), it's going to be a side scroller like Mario but connected to the blockchain. Your NFTs will have access to reward pools so you can earn jackpots and other type of prizes. People using the system help generate funds for the pools, this will have all this explained in the white paper and roadmap. Our project token will not be sold or put on any exchange but they will be distributed to people who have our nfts allowing them to use the ecosystem. Also they will collect while you play the game then you can exchange for real life assets or cryptocurrency from a variety of different blockchains. more information at https://dogedabs.com