Max reached

消し Drop A Last Chance Bumper Pack


101.27 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 10

Sold 10

消し Keshi Karen - Premium 3D Animated NFTs | Collect | Trade | Blend


This box contains 5 消し Keshi Karen Common or Rare NFTs. Once you have the right ingredients, you can blend both our Emerald Epic and Emerald Legendary Boxed NFTs.

This is your last chance to hold both Epic Emerald and Legenadry Boxed NFTs to receive the Limited Edition Emerald #DCCoin + Benefits (Issued 01/05/2022)

There are a total of 8 new 消し Keshi Karen NFTs in Drop A with more on the way at the start of June 2022 including the opportunity to blend up to our Hyper Uber vIRL redeemable 5cm Mini Golden Statue.

This series is a collaboration with talented digital artist @popup_nft, who has undertaken all of the 3D design work for the keshi project. Im sure you will agree, his work is awesome!

Approx Pack Odds:

Common - 70%
Rare - 30%

New To Our Organisation?

Welcome to Drawn Company - the office at the start of the Metaverse. We are mostly a very unsuccessful organisation, primarily due to all the employees being very little poorly drawn isometric people. Our marketing department are a shambles and we clearly have no in house hr capability. We make mundane collectables for anyone who has worked in (or is familiar with) any work environment. May cause some offence. Proudly founded in January 2022 whilst self isolating to combat boredom.

After 01/05/2022 Drop A 消し Keshi Karen NFTs will not be minted individually and will only be found in Drop A boxes or on the WAX Secondary Market © 2022 Drawn Company & @popup_nft