Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #71 / ∞


Exordium - DC Coin Holder Drop


Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 62

Congratulations! You have been awarded Karen’s Exordium Executive Reward Card due to your hard work around the office during our first year in business. Holding this WAXNFT is the only way to get Exordium (Tier 1) DC Perks throughout 2023. This template will be locked on 31/12/2022 @ 21hrs UTC.

Exordium (noun) FORMAL - the beginning or introductory part.

**For more information visit our webiste: **

Please note: If you transfer or sell the asset you will immediatly lose all the Exordium Tier 1 Perks - MAX 1 Free Reward Card per account

The unlockable content in the NFT is not working - this will be airdropped to holders as a seperate NFT in the near future.

© 2022 Drawn Company