Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #77 / 100


Exo/Mgmt. Des V-VIP Reward


Available / Max supply 4 / 26

Sold 22

This drop is exclusively for Exordium and Managment Designates Hodlers (26 of you) who Particpated in the Series IV (paid) Drop prior to 06/05/2023. So if you bought at least one pack, you are eligible for this reward. This WAXNFT is Backed with 40 WAXP! Thank you, we love you all!

You only have 24 hours to claim this drop - the template and perks will be locked on 08/05/2023 @ 19hrs UTC.

Important Note: For the remainder of 2023, Exordium and Management Designates Holders who participate in our drops will receive a higher rate of profit share. All other Exordium and Management Designates Holders will receive the same percentage. This is a slight revision in the pervious rule.

We are proud to reward all our Exordium and Management Designates with a WAXP backed NFT due to the success of Series IV. Collectively, this works out at around 30% of total drop revenue to date - a pool of 2,000+ WAXP. This Queue Jumper VIP Pass must be claimed from the drop by 08/05/2023. Exordium (noun) FORMAL - the beginning or introductory part © 2023 Drawn Company