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Grab your party hat and celebrate with us 🎉


Available / Max supply 12571 / 15000

Sold 2429

Wombat just turned 3 years this week. It's time to celebrate this also in Wombat Dungeon Master.
If you are in the TOP 15.000 players by points you can claim a free party hat here.

The Party Hat Wombat Birthday 2022 – Level 0 is a cosmetic item you can put on your wombat, but if you are blending it 3:1 you can upgrade it to up to level 5.

All party hats level 1-5 are giving you a contribution boost until the end of the season. You can reach up to 50% contribution boost.

Find the blends on our blend page and more party hats on the marketplace.

And for sure, you will be able to get more party hats on our Discord, in streams and from some dungeon master creators.

Looking forward to have a huge week of celebrating with you. :-)