Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Max reached

Large Genesis Land Drop #1 - VIP


72,780.2 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 1

Sold 1

This pack is part of the first-ever land drop for Dungeon Worlds. The Large Genesis Land Pack contains 25 Genesis Lands, the most pristine Lands in the realm of Dungeon Worlds, making its owner ready to run a dungeon right off the bat.

The Large Genesis Land Pack #1 holds the Lands with the coordinates between (7,7) and (11,11). The pack itself will be stakeable in Wombat Dungeon Master for a ton of MP, at least until the launch of Dungeon Worlds.

This drop is only available to accounts allowlisted, either because they are Wombat VIP Level 4 or higher, or because they have applied and been granted a spot on the list using this form:

More information about Lands and Dungeon Worlds is available on the Dungeon Worlds website or in the Dungeon Worlds Whitepaper.