Possible mint: #50 / 100


GuideBook Gaming Gen2 NFT


48.08 WAX

Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 0

Earth2 Trading cards
"TechOps!" "Nameless!" Since December 2020, we've started the Guidebook Gaming Twitch stream in this signature way because we are overflowing with energy when we go live to talk about Earth 2 with the best community in the world - YOU! We create the most exciting and engaging content in Earth 2, including covering all Earth 2 breaking news, interviewing the best content creators in the game, and as of the minting of this NFT we are the only Earth 2 content creators to have a live discussion with Earth 2 critics. What's our secret? It's our individual personalities that come together to form a premium brand stream team. TechOps, an interdimensional being, has a long history in technical work, time travel, and cheerful good vibes which provide a perfect balance to the risk and brand management background of a more candid Nameless. We can only achieve this balance and thrive during live streams because we are empowered by the support of an exceptional team of moderators. Come join us on stream and get active in the chat because a giveaway is never far away!