V.I.P Printer Pack Single
105.04 WAX
Available / Max supply 70 / 100
Sold 30
Possible mint: #107 / 1000
105.04 WAX
Available / Max supply 70 / 100
Sold 30
Contains 1 Ticket Printer Nft
Pack Odds:
2.5 🎟/h
5 🎟/h
10 🎟/h
Printers must be staked in order to print your tickets!
Staking info:
Common- https://waxdao.io/farm/infiniprint3
This NFT collection is designed as a Raffle system where holders of the Ticket Tokens are automatically entered to win a never-ending raffle. Each NFT in the collection represents a number of tickets that work for every future raffle and do not expire. The raffles are held regularly, and the winner is chosen randomly among the Token holders. The more Tokens a holder has, the higher their chances of winning. This unique feature of perpetual eligibility for every raffle encourages people to hold onto their Tokens while providing a sense of excitement and anticipation among its holders every week!
🟢Raffle will start when we reach 116 token holders with atleast 1000 ticket tokens per wallet Once that criteria is met the raffle will be held on the following Saturday and so on 🟢
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