Possible mint: #844 / ∞

FishBait's Galactic123 Pack



Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 257

Each Pack is guaranteed to contain 1 Xyte Silver Coin, Xyte Color Coin, or Promo Joe.

Odds of recieving the guaranteed NFT are 75% Xyte Silver Coin, 20% Xyte Color Coin, 5% Promo Joe.
In addition to the guaranteed NFT you have 2 additional chances of pulling Coins at the rate of 75% Xtye Silver Coin, 15% Xyte Color Coin, 5% Promo Joe, and 5% Nothing.

In addition to having the WaxDao Farm where you can stake your FishBaitNFTS for WAX rewards, we have ALSO been added to Wombat Dungeon Master Season 5, AND we are very excited to announce the new schema for Galactic123.net with in game utilities! This is big news for our growing community. Join us on Galactic123.net on Planet FishBait located at 10,1. Dig for Xoe coins and then blend them on Nefty to receive more powerful NFTs.

There are 4 templates that will be used in the Galactic123 Universe.

"Xoe Silver Coin" will be the most abundantly dropped NFT when digging on Planet FishBait and is an integral ingrediant in the blends that are available but comes with no Xyte dig bonuses.

"Xoe Color Coin" will also be dropped when diggin on Planet FishBait at a reduced rate than the other coin. This coin comes with a .001 Xyte per dig bonus and is stackable up to 12. It is also used as blend ingredient.

"Xyte Pick" will only be available by blending the coins on https://neftyblocks.com/c/fishbaitnfts/blends. "Xyte Pick" will have a .005 Xyte per dig bonus and is stackable up to 12. It is an ingredient in the current top level blend "Xyte Miner Xoe"

"Xyte Miner Xoe" will only be available by blending the coins and the Xyte Pick on https://neftyblocks.com/c/fishbaitnfts/blends. "Xyte Miner Xoe" will have a .01 per dig bonus and is stackable up to 12.

Join the community on Twitter and Discord.
twitter: https://twitter.com/xannash
discord: https://discord.gg/35Us6MSFVZ