Possible mint: #229 / ∞

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Pieces from a Puzzled Traveller - 2x Puzzle Pieces


10 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 150

Sold 150

Pieces from a Puzzled Traveller

ConsumerBreak Collaboration Pack of 2x Puzzle Pieces

"There was no mention on the box that some assembly was required." -a puzzled traveller

Contains 2 Puzzle Pieces of various rarity

36% common | 24% uncommon | 18% rare | 14% epic | 8% legendary
Blend one (1) of each and get one (1) mythic NFT.

Stake your NFTs on RPlanet!

ConsumerBreak - https://www.consumerbreak.com/
RPlanet - https://rplanet.io/
Blend - https://neftyblocks.com/c/futuresrelic/blends