Gods and Legends Collectable NFT Cards. Launched May 25, 2021
- Blending & Packs have arrived.
- Planning a game.
- Your favorite Gods and Legends based Characters!
- Only 20 Cerbarus | Legendary Cards will be dropped! Mint #1 - #20
- Blend 3 Legendary Cards to create a Mythic Card.
- Packs will be released 3 hours after Legendary cards are sold out.
- (Mythic Cards will never be sold or minted by us, they can only be earned through blending on our website)
- Divine will be released after 20 Mythics are blended. Race to get the #1 mint Divine Cerbarus.
- Join our telegram group for more Free NFT Giveaways https://t.me/godsandlegendsnft
- And check out our website for blending cards and news https://www.godsnlegends.com
Mint #20-#29 were pre-minted for a reimbursement giveaway.