Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Max reached

Limited HATOR Black Friday BOX. | Drop for HATORIAN's


1,129.29 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 5

Sold 5

We are glad to inform you that on November 26, 2021 at 17:50 UTC (20:50 RU GMT +3) we will launch the private sale of Hator Black Friday BOX for HATORians.

This box - 1 of the way to get HATORIAN's Loyalty CARD.

Pack contains 2 slots:
- 1 slot: Hator Black Friday NFT (This NFT will be a part of unique blend on december 2021 - Q1 2022)
- 2 slot randomly :

The whitelist link will be in our Discord 10 seconds before the drop.

In turn, device NFT's in this box can be exchanged for a unique and real devices with an engraving of your choice (you can choose any logo in .png). More info in our Discord