Mega Raffle Pack - HWU Edition 1


10 WAX

Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 30

HWU Community Edition pack in celebration inconjunction with the large collaboration with the WaxFest Nfts Raffle - Edition 1 event.

HWU will hold a special wheel spin event for all holders of the HWU Wheel Spin GIF that can be found in this pack. Wheel spin will be held Saturday, 15 Jun, 2024.

This pack consists of one card that can drop one of the following:

  • HWU Wheel Spin GIF
  • HWU Wheel Spin - Gold - Limited
  • HWU Wheel Spin - Pink - Limited
  • HWU Wheel Spin - Original - Limited
  • HWU Wheel Spin - Orange - Limited
  • HWU Wheel Spin - Turquoise - Limited
  • HWU Wheel Spin - Green - Limited

There are only 30 total packs available for this drop.
As this is in conjunction with the WaxFest Nfts Raffle, packs cannot be opened until the live raffle on 31 May, 2024 at 4:00pm, EDT (East Coast USA).