Pocket Destrillar
0.5 WAX
Available / Max supply 2 / 325
Sold 323
0.5 WAX
Available / Max supply 2 / 325
Sold 323
Pocket Destrillar
Token Gain Power: 5
Destrillars, Quachees and Horizon Factories are generating HRZN Tokens daily. Horizoners are holding NFTs into their Atomichub inventory, HRZN tokens will be dropped into their wallet weekly (Automaticly), but Horizoners need to verify their wam adress via our Weekly Verification page;
About Verification: You need to verify your wam adress once in a week for getting HRZN Tokens; otherwise you can't join HRZN Token drops. Write wam adress and click verify via;
Weekly Verification http://horizonverification.epizy.com/verification.html
HRZN rate for Pocket Destrillar NFT Holders
Value of 2.5% of NFT Price (Monthly) - There are Total 2 Token Drops in one month - 1.25% NFT's Neftyblocks price will be shared to holders at each Drop.
2x Total Token Drop in one month. Holders will receive 1.25% of NFT's Neftyblocks Drop Price at each Token Drop.
You will receive 2.5% NFT Price in one month.
You don't spend lots of time on Smart Contract actions in Horizon Blocks.
In these Horizon Collections, We mainly focused auto-progressing. Horizoners are just holding Horizon Blocks NFTs and they are getting HRZN Token from horizonblock.
You can check HRZN Transaction logs on WAX BLOKS Logs
You can buy, sell and stake HRZN tokens on Alcor Exchange
Horizon Blocks Social Accounts
Horizon Collectibles http://horizoncollectibles.epizy.com
Horizon Mainnet http://horizonmainnet.epizy.com
Horizon Blocks Whitepaper(Gitbook) https://horizon-blocks.gitbook.io/horizon-blocks/
Horizon Blocks Medium https://horizonblocks.medium.com
Horizon Blocks Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJKcbIePHendQ2zOwCmPzaQ
Horizon Blocks Twitter: twitter.com/horizonblockss
Horizon Blocks Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/UhPmm3KEyb
HORIZON BLOCKS Blends (CRAFTING NFTS) : https://neftyblocks.com/c/horiznblocks/blends