Pansophy # 21 AR Skin - Collect and Claim
Available / Max supply 100 / 100
Sold 0
Possible mint: #1 / 100
Available / Max supply 100 / 100
Sold 0
Exclusive free NFT drop to holders of a K-SCOPES OMNI CARD and any of the 31 Pansophy Series One NFTs. Collect and Claim!!!
This NFT Contains a QR Code that can be scanned to view the NFT in Augmented Reality using your Physical Collector K-SCOPES OMNI CARD!
Adobe Aero App Download Required - Compatible with iPhone & iPad. Best results are made keeping the physical card in the cameras frame of view and on a still surface
NFT Drop links - NFTs Required for this drop.
K-SCOPES OMNI CARD - Physical Collector Trading Card Redemption
Pansophy Series One NFT Packs:
NFT 5 Pack
NFT 30 Pack