pug maverick posing
kernelillokp25 WAX
Available / Max supply 5 / 5
Sold 0
Possible mint: #1 / 5
25 WAX
Available / Max supply 5 / 5
Sold 0
pug maverick posing from the moon with a satellite at the back
Possible mint: #1 / 1
100 WAX
Available / Max supply 1 / 1
Sold 0
mega pug maverick is a spacecraft specialist and loves to create new forms of thrusters to be able to travel further than anyone has ever gone before.
Possible mint: #1 / 1
58 WAX
Available / Max supply 1 / 1
Sold 0
mega comander pug is a spatialist in tactics and deployment and is called into action when a sharp mind is required to solve problems quickly.
Possible mint: #2 / 20
10 WAX
Available / Max supply 19 / 20
Sold 1
mini mega pug it is small beautiful at the same time it is very adorable.
Possible mint: #2 / 5
25 WAX
Available / Max supply 4 / 5
Sold 1
mega pug time to adventure mode.
Possible mint: #3 / 5
25 WAX
Available / Max supply 3 / 5
Sold 2
Mega pug master sheft a pug trained and genetically modified to be a soldier with special attacks and adaptable to all types of combat terrain has a powerful blaster and a light saber.