Queen's Pack 1
11 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 100
Sold 100
Possible mint: #199 / ∞
11 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 100
Sold 100
1st Drop of JULY #collect2Earn and collection point reward of queen series pack.
3NFTS pack! + 20% chance of a bonus NFT!
This pack Contains 3 NFTs from 5 templates of JULY #collect2Earn reward period.
All 3 slots have same Probabilities
Queen's crown: 20 %
Queen's necklace: 20 %
Queen's wrist armor: 20 %
Queen's Ring: 20 %
Queen's boots: 20 %
Bonus slot Probabilities
JUNE 2nd #collect2Earn pack: 2%
Shreya - Kingsarthub1 artist: 10%
Kings art hub Website LOGO: 8%
Empty slot: 80%
After Huge success of our 1st and 2nd #collect2earn reward period we are thrilled to announce our 3rd reward period with 2 more additional Reward system.We already distributed 3600+ Wax and 400+ NFTs in 1st and 2nd #collect2earn reward period.
So now we have three reward system for collectors-
🎉Collect2earn Reward
🎉Staking Reward
🎉Collection Point Reward
Visit our website to know how our reward systems will work for collectors-https://www.kingsarthub.in/
Join our discord for information about our all reward systems for collectors- https://discord.gg/rmm9srCVn3
For more update follow on twitter - https://twitter.com/kingsarthub1
Join our Telegram - https://t.me/kingsarthub1
Must have Whitelist Key nft to be in whitelist-