The Club HOUSE Fungible Token Drop
Available / Max supply 0 / 100
Sold 100
Available / Max supply 0 / 100
Sold 100
This is the 5th sale of an NFT that entitles Holders to receive 250 HOUSE tokens on March 5th or earlier once the drop sells out.
Token Details:
Symbol: HOUSE
Decimal Precision: 8
Max Supply: 1,000,000
Issued Supply: 1,000,000
Contract: theonlineinn
Purpose: Partnership Token
The HOUSE Token will be used for NFT drops on NFTHive and CAIT Marketplace, and the NFT will be used for staking on WaxDAO, and future NFT blends. Liquidity has been provided on: Alcor Exchange, DefiBox and Taco Swap including WAX/FOOD/QUAX Tokens.
Please note that this fungible token known as HOUSE is issued under the theonlineinn contract, and has been issued by The Online Inn as a partnership between LeftHouse, The Online Inn and KingsburyNFT