Max reached

OCP Pack: Original Factions


2,000 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 59

Sold 59

Welcome to the Officer Commission Pass Drop on WAX!
All aboard the Machiavellic as we prepare for our invasion of Ozzar! Pick up some Officers to lead the various factions into war!

Pack Details
This pack contains FIVE officers from the original Machiavellic factions: Humanity+, Naturalists, Pushers & Movers, Hardliners, Euphoreans, Witnesses of the Singularity, Dataism and Pure Patriots. Officers represent the playable characters in the Machiavellic world.

The full supply of existing faction officers on WAX is (Check Atomic Hub to see what remains!):

Pure Patriots
1x Supreme Commander
1x Field Marshal
2x Major General
7x Colonel
6x Commander
13x Major
35x Captain
68x Lieutenant

1x Supreme Commander
2x General
2x Major General
2x Colonel
10x Commander
13x Major
24x Captain
61x Lieutenant

1x Major General
2x Colonel
8x Commander
15x Major
31x Captain
65x Lieutenant

Pushers & Movers
3x Major General
3x Colonel
7x Commander
14x Major
32x Captain
56x Lieutenant

1x Field Marshal
1x General
3x Major General
3x Colonel
10x Commander
12x Major
33x Captain
60x Lieutenant

1x General
3x Major General
2x Colonel
7x Commander
19x Major
32x Captain
71x Lieutenant

Witnesses of the Singularity
1x Major General
6x Colonel
7x Commander
15x Major
38x Captain
63x Lieutenant

1x Field Marshal
2x Major General
5x Colonel
8x Commander
15x Major
35x Captain
51x Lieutenant