Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #257 / ∞


Moon Lucky Dip Blend Ticket - Aquarius


Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞

Sold 245

Moon Lucky Dip Blend Ticket - Aquarius

All players with Astronaut role and up to Moon Land Owner role in the official Moon Mining He3 Discord server will be able to claim 1 Poster Blend NFT daily to try their luck at the Moon Lucky Dip.

There are 4 x (1 of 1) Corporation Redeemable Posters.
When the redeemable gets pulled we close the Aquarius open the Phoenix LuckyMoon Dip.

The 'snapshot' has been taken already 💯

0.25% chance of pulling the redeemable, the rest = 0 results GLHF