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HOOT in Kar-en TShirt - With Sword of Power


Available / Max supply 15 / 65

Sold 50

HOOT loves celebrating his favorite pop culture fandoms and events, so when Drawn Company (one of his favorite projects on the WAX blockchain) dropped their “pointless magical quest” to construct a 1/169 Kar-en Sword of Power, he decided to craft his blade AND create an exclusive shirt for the occasion.

But that’s not all! Since owning the Sword of Power NFT also granted him FULL ownership of the artwork, he also decided to craft a SWORD for his future quests!

If you can/have craft you Sword of Power before the quest ends, this HOOT in Kar-en TShirt is yours, FREE!

Craft your Sword here:, then Claim your HOOT NFT!
Limited Time Offer: This offer ends, when the Drawn Company Sword of Power event ends - Feb 4, 2024