Serialized Novel - Buckethead - Mint Pass
43.48 WAX
Available / Max supply 46 / 50
Sold 4
Possible mint: #5 / 50
43.48 WAX
Available / Max supply 46 / 50
Sold 4
24 NFT's
24 Chapters
One Great Novel
This mint pass gives you access to buy the NFT serialized novel membership to Buckethead. This original novel is 24 chapters of fun with each chapter being an NFT that we'll drop into your wallet. These NFT's will give you access to each chapter as well as some awesome artwork representing the chapter.
This is a mint-pass only. These NFT will let your purchase the Buckethead novel membership when it launches. We will ONLY be selling these membership NFT's to peopel who hold the mint-passes.
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