Love Potion #1 and Green Love Potion Strain - Valentine's Day 2024 Bundle with Surprise
1,304.35 WAX
Available / Max supply 6 / 10
Sold 4
Possible mint: #7 / ∞
1,304.35 WAX
Available / Max supply 6 / 10
Sold 4
Happy Valentine's Day!
I know I've been busy with work and the new baby and such. But I've been working on some things.
Introducing the next chapter in the Holiday strains, Love Potion #1 and Green Love Potion!!!!
Be sure to click the video of the NFT to hear the audio!
Included in this simple 2 new strain bundle will be one of each, plus the ingredients to make a 2nd of each limited Valentine's strain:
1x Love Potion #1 - Sativa - Mythic - Limited (35 NFxC/h)
1x Green Love Potion - Indica - Mythic - Limited (50 NFxC/h)
1x G13 - Hybrid - Epic - Limited now open to public (15 NFxC/h)
1x Columbian Gold - Sativa - Rare (7.5 NFxC/h)
1x Lavender - Indica - Epic (10 NFxC/h)
1x Black Domina - Indica - Epic - Limited now open to public (25 NFxC/h)
2x Crossbreed Coin
1x THC Addict role in Discord for Addict-only Rumbles and Giveaways
Please let me know if you purchase so I can add you to the blend whitelist and update your discord role!!!!!
Both new strains are stakable in the S2 Mythic Farm.
But wait.... there's more.
I've been working on NFExecutive blends in the background. They're hidden. But I did say the NFTs, Farm, and Good/Good Token Blends were ready.
Personal Deadline to finish the Level 1-50 blends for each Shop is going to be March 1st at 4:20 PM Est.
In the meantime, have some fun with this discounted Small Shop Container, which you can open tomorrow at noon Eastern, which is also when the Blends for the new strains go live. :)
The Small Shop Container contains 1 Random NFexecutive Shop. Odds: Common - 63.10%; Uncommon - 23.40%; Rare - 8.50%; Epic - 3.00%; Mythic - 1.50%; Divine - 0.50%
You need to stake your Shop in in order to gain access to the NFExecutive's Goods Token here for 100,420 NFxCoin. Goods can be created here
When NFExec is released, the price of the small container will probably be 2x more than today's total Valentine's Day Bundle price. Consider it a sneak peek cause I love you all. ;)