Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop


Sold out

Server Booster X-Mas Crate


Available / Max supply 0 / 45

Sold 45

This is a free dorp for server boosters. Packs will be opened after the main drop has been opened.
This crate will have (1) of the follwoing NFT's with equal chances.
Factory Building Assembly 12.50%
Leather Cutter Basic 12.50%
Lex Leather Apprentice 12.50%
Molding Machine Basic 12.50%
Rubberta Rubber Apprentice 12.50%
Textile Machine Journeyman 12.50%
Exil Textile Apprentice 12.50%
Carl "Soleman" Bentley Apprentice 12.50%