Bless Me
Available / Max supply 14 / 70
Sold 56
Available / Max supply 14 / 70
Sold 56
Hey everyone! Happy Friday! Noods here with my weekly drop!
Often times after a long day of work, all I want to do is just make myself cozy over a hot bowl of noodle and Netflix. This plain noodle is just the comfort food I often go for... Hokkien noodle/ yellow noodle lightly cooked with lard and fried garlic. This simple dish tends to be accompanied with a flavourful chicken broth on the side. It's simply delicious and comforting to end the week.
Also! There's something brewing for Noodslynoods in the coming months! And I want to hear what you think of it! Head over to our Discord and let's discuss that over in my channel!
*Ownership of any Noodslynoods NFT gives you VIP access to the Noodslynoods channel on the Nifty Art Collective Discord. Giving you the first look at new content, as well as access to secret drops, contests, and giveaways. Must be verified with Honeycomb. Ask us how.