Secure Drop

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Possible mint: #612 / ∞


Music Cassette Pack - Volume 1 - Public Drop (Whitelist Form Signups)


895.14 WAX

Available / Max supply 1389 / 1520

Sold 131

This pack contains 2 out of 6 available music tapes, a music collectable in the Nova Rally Universe produced by SuperDope. Enjoy great music, the contents snake for BOOST and collect all 22 tapes for a special reward.


90% Chance - Common:

  • *18% War Cry - Vorder
  • *18% Square Up - George Square
  • 18% Immortal - Raagman
  • *18% Creature in the Night - Tarsir
  • *18% Swing in the Step - Otis Carlton Daniels

10% Chance - Rare

  • Let It R.I.P - Death Rally Theme