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Luna 22 Final Form Manifestation


0.08 WAX

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In celebration of the Full Moon

22 Full Moon 22 Luna's

Thank you again my fellow of the 22's 4 believing in the 22Movement

It was the community that inspire me

~Magnitude of Gratitude~

The Full Buck Moon in July signifies the realization of one's full potential and invites self-reflection to identify and release any obstacles hindering one's spiritual growth. This name is given because it corresponds with the period when a buck's antlers are at their largest. It is a moment to harness Capricorn's discipline and determination. It is taking deliberate steps toward shaping your ideal life. Consider contemplating changes or acquiring additional tools to aid you on this journey.

Furthermore, it is an earth sign. Capricorn adds a layer of significance to this phase by providing a sense of stability, engaging in meditation, and spending time amidst nature. And consuming foods deeply connected to the earth can be beneficial practices. Lastly, this moon phase signifies development. The heightened energy of summer compels us to release anything that holds us back. Reflect upon what adjustments are necessary to thrive on your spiritual path.


~May the 22's guide you on your journey~

It Takes 2 2 Make A Movement
~~ 22.22 ~~

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