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Sold out

Stamp - Seagrass


0.25 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 16

Sold 16

Calling all stamp collectors!

...even if you don't collect should collect these! Various combinations of stamps will be used to blend for Game/Race NFTs, as well as other shenanigans around The Hideout and beyond!

Stamp: "Seagrass"

Stamps (for the most part) will only be available via "FREE DROPS" or winning/earning through various Hideout activities (marbles, stream/discord games, giveaways, events, etc).

There's no hidden secrets or tricks to decode. Collect stamps by being around to win or to claim giveaways. Keep an eye on the Hideout to see when blends go live. Blend recipes wil always vary, as will the blended result.

Blend offering/results wil vary for each blend. Some results may include, but not limited to, Race Stickers, WAX Backed NFTs, Other Project NFTs.