MINTS 1 thru 5!! (Prestige) Snorkeling - Paulie The Penguin
50 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 1
Sold 1
50 WAX
Available / Max supply 0 / 1
Sold 1
This April, Paulie the Penguin is having his 1st Birthday! It has been a crazy year on the WAX blockchain and we wanted to give everyone a quick recap of how it started and where we are at!
In April of 2021 we introduced 50 Original Paulie the Penguin animated pixel art NFTs (#1 - #50). Each of those NFTs had a maximum supply of 200 and were widely available for several months. Since then, we have been making major efforts to reduce the supply of the Originals to make them more and more rare.
As always, we THANK YOU for your support as we continue our quest to make Paulie Rare Again!!
LEVEL 1 - The Originals (Paulie #1 - #50 Animated Pixel Art NFTs // 200MAX)
Available for sale on the secondary market ->
LEVEL 2 - Prestige (Currently 10 Prestige Paulies // 50MAX)
Only available thru special drops, Recycling Day events, and the secondary market ->
LEVEL 3 - Canvas (Paulie #1 - #50 // 5 MAX)
Available by blending 10 Originals Paulie the Penguins ->
This NFT is the HOLY GRAIL of Paulie the Penguins. There is only 1 holder of this NFT as of now, and only 4 more will ever be given out.
Available thru an on-demand airdrop for to users who have collected ALL 50 Canvas Paulies.