Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop


Sold out

Model T - Whitelist Fellowship


10 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 15

Sold 15

He's back and so are Pixl-Pops!

This is a whitelisted drop for Fellowship card holders only. Pool size is 15.

Collect and get rewards: This is the first drop in a set of 3. Collect all three and get a fourth (mystery) collectible airdropped to your wallet. If you collect all 9 Gen A Pops you'll be eligible for a Golden-Pixl Cube, plus a WAX backed NFT collectible!

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Other MonsterCadet Projects: Pulp Friction
Season 1 cards + Season 2 Sold out cards available on: Atomic Marketplace