Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop


Sold out

GEN-A Pixl-Pal Incubator (Fellowship Drop)


250 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 10

Sold 10

Incubate and make friends with benefits!

Gen-A incubators Fellowship Member Pre-Sale goes live via a pre-minted drop on May 22nd at 5:30 PM UTC. The drop will consist of 10 pre-minted incubators, and whatever mint number you pull will determine what Pal you can mint on May 25th. For example, if you pull Mint 32, you can mint Pal A032 via NEFTY's proof of ownership drop. YOU MUST HOLD A FELLOWSHIP CARD TO ACCESS THIS DROP!

**Please Note: **You must have the incubator in your collection to mint your Pixl-Pal on May 25th at 5:30PM UTC. It is used for proof of ownership, allows you access to the drop, and is only valid for its corresponding pal.

Pals Have Your Back!

Remember, while a Pal is in your collection, you'll have access to all its benefits for the lifetime of the project, including but not limited to:

  • WAX Backed NFT Dividend Reward (A backed NFT is burnable for WAX cryptocurrency!) 3% percent of the total of each quarterly sales volume, divided by the number of holders, goes back to owners of a Pals as a backed NFT for the life of the project! These backed rewards will go out quarterly and they stack so if you own more than one Pal, you'll get more dividend rewards. Get the details HERE
  • Automatically whitelisted for all future Monster Cadet/Pixl-Pop Drops, blends, etc., for Both existing and future projects
  • Token rewards redeemable for NFTS and RL Items (Coming Soon)
  • Early VIP drop access for qualified drops
  • Access to a private Discord channel and Discord exclusive giveaways
  • Private Drops & Blends
  • Exclusive Pal-Pets + Pal-Gear NFTs

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Twitter: @monstercadet
Discord 👈 Make sure to join!

Other MonsterCadet Projects: Pulp Friction
Season 1 cards + Season 2 Sold out cards available on: Atomic Marketplace