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Explorer Ships Pack


655.02 WAX

Available / Max supply 0 / 2000

Sold 2000

Explorer Ships Pack drop

Pixverse is a game in development. Full Game Release in Q1 2022. Please see WEBSITE for full details.

Contains 1 of 4 possible explorer ships

Buy packs, open and hold ships in your inventory to receive FREE captain pack + planet packs

For each ship type you hold in your inventory you will receive a free planets and space objects pack every week for 2 months! The higher the ship rarity, the higher the number of packs you receive. Hold all 4 ship types to get all 4 availabe planets packs available.

Everyone who opens at least 1 pack and has the ship NFT in their inventory at snapshot time soon after the drop will receive as a gift an airdrop with a pack containing the mysterious John Doe Captain availabe in 5 rarities.

See full details below


  • 65% Common
  • 25% Uncommon
  • 6% Rare
  • 3% Epic
  • 1% Legendary

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Important details

You can hold multiple ships, you will receive packs airdrops for each ship you own.

First generation spaceships mission is to discover and collect NFTs of space objects from our Solar System including the planets, different moons and asteroids.

Acquire a ship and a captain NFT now and start collecting planet NFTs every week for free. Don’t worry about fuel, the exploratory vessels have pixonium onboard for at least 2 months.

Every ship has different missions which last a full week. Missions are rewarded with space object NFTs according to their expedition location. Get all the ships so you can collect all planets and more from the entire solar system!

For each ship you own + captain you receive airdrop according to rarity as follows:

  • Common = 1 pack airdrop
  • Uncommon = 2 packs airdrop
  • Rare = 3 packs airdrop
  • Epic = 4 packs airdrop
  • Legendary = 5 packs airdrop

Everyone who opens at least 1 pack and has the ship NFT in their inventory at snapshot time soon after the drop will receive as a gift an airdrop with a pack containing the mysterious John Doe Captain availabe in 5 rarities.