Quill (common)
Available / Max supply 0 / 30
Sold 30
Possible mint: #81 / 100
Available / Max supply 0 / 30
Sold 30
Likes to run the bookies; he uses Billy as his thug. He’ll run the numbers for you, and he’s never pulled the rug. He keeps an honest ledger and only keeps a bit on the side. He swears he uses the money for charity and to tithe. He helps to keep order and works for many ducks. You can find him in the shipyards or in the local pubs. He’s capable of working, and he’s handy with the blade, but his mind is sharp, and wits are quick; it’s saved him more than thrice. Mr. Quill tells a tale that makes young hens squeal about his grandeur and his charm. These hens soon find he has some time if they hold his arm, walking away into the night, listening to his gentle talk, dreaming of his handsome frock, and being called Lady Quill the great. But the money calls, and he’ll put to sail, leaving silently in the night.