Possible mint: #112 / 200

Goblinsk Box 1.0


10 WAX

Available / Max supply 89 / 200

Sold 111

Goblinsks: Warriors of Small Stature, Immense Courage. A collection of figures capturing the ferocity and determination of goblins in battle, each representing a unique warrior ready to defend their territory with makeshift weapons and unyielding bravery.

Templates (Max Supply):

Unique = 10 (1x)
Mythic = 6 (2x)
Legendary = 7 (3x)
Epic = 8 (4x)
Rare = 8 (10x)
Uncommon = 5 (20x)
Common = 5 (30x)

Total: 49 Templates (405 NFTs)

This pack contains 2 NFTs.

Good Luck!