Possible mint: #12 / 38

D Monthly Burn - egg an bake


17.17 WAX

Available / Max supply 36 / 38

Sold 2

Ends after 398d 13h 1m 1s

Here is the First of the Monthly Burns Dropping once a month in different mint numbres this is a 38 mint drop 38 again... hmmm prolly nothing. Wake up and brun one! This months Burn is GOD's Breath and oh what a name!

GOD's Breath: has an exceptional flavor that most people relish and enjoy, but it tastes quite similar to Granddaddy Purple but with lemon after-tones and a hint of fresh citrus. Additionally, it has a strong aroma like that of berries. Even though it should be extremely purple, it is actually covered by gleaming white crystals and is quite dense. Considering its blend, it offers a high unlike any other. SKY HIGH lifts

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