ZOLiD A.R.t Gallery NFTeaser – « Curiousers » extended Burning Man 2024
Available / Max supply 609 / 888
Sold 279
Possible mint: #280 / 888
Available / Max supply 609 / 888
Sold 279
The A.R.t flame is still Burning!
Although this year's « Burning Man » as an in-person experience has turned off its bonfires, the ZOLiD A.R.t augmented reality experience is still three clicks away from all cell phones, allowing us to put our boots on the pixels playground!
ZOLiD A.R.t: An International Augmented Reality timezone Gallery above Black Rock City's central camp.
Trigger the ZOLiD Art Gallery that embodies anywhere a 3D holographic version of the following creations:
• Federico Daiup’s "Caminando para las Estrellas"
• Leandro Manzo
• niuQuin's « Burnner Curiousers », « Del Ser Luz » and « HiGHMaiNDeRS Burnners »
• Paul Whitehead’s « Religion », the second piece from « The Eight Deadly Sins » fresque.
Join us at: www.overthereality.ai/land/bone.acknowledged.hussein
Soundzone.stream (https://soundzone.stream/) and ZOLiD.Network (https://zolid.network/) are thrilled to open an Augmented Reality (AR) Art Gallery.
Thanks to the OVERTheReality technology, all of us can jump into a virtual space located at the same spot as the Burning Man Central Camp: Bone.acknowledged.hussein
Burning Man is an annual event that takes place in the Black Rock Desert (northern Nevada, United States). For seven days it makes self-expression, community and art blossom in a kind of temporary autonomous zone where +80,000 people coexist in harmony.
This year's Burning Man's theme, "Curiouser & Curiouser", has ignited in us a creative journey where Augmented Reality, art NFT's & blockchains tease our senses and stimulate our minds. A journey where Lewis Carroll’s Alice meets Alice & Bob at the bend of a p2p transaction.
To enjoy that A.R.t trip with us, you can also swim into the song "Curiousers", composed by niuQuin feat Hybrid Allchemy, during your A.R.t Gallery visit – and add it to your digital music collection on WAX, by grabbing it here: https://neftyblocks.com/collection/soundzonenft/drops/223749
Two steps to enjoy the ZOLiD ZOLiD A.R.t Gallery experience:
• Install the OVER app on your phone:Android
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gezapp.ovr https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ovr-over-the-reality/
We hope you enjoy the experience!