TIPTOE GALVANIZED CROMO - Legendary pack n.4
stoccistudio109.69 WAX
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 31
Possible mint: #37 / ∞
109.69 WAX
Available / Max supply ∞ / ∞
Sold 31
TIPTOE * Stocci Studio
GALVANIZED CROMO - Legendary pack
🦶 *Follow me on "Tiptoe"🦶
✨ You can choose where to go ✨
*⬅️ Left of Right? ➡️
⚫️ Black or White? ⚪️
🍑 Art or Play? 🎲
We will go through 4️⃣ chapters
each one have an art spot.
Blend your toes🦶 and get an Artbox 🎨
or keep them jealously until the next chapter
You will need them, keep them unlocked!🔓
Choose a path and have fun along the way 🍑
There will be 4 packs,
This is the last and precious one, Galvanized Cromo Tiptoe, 4 metallic couples of tiptoes.
You can choose to blend a dedicated artbox each chapter,
or wait the FINAL Blend.
What will be the final spot of that journey? Reveal Soon
Follow Stocci Studio in telegram to know more about the release and the blend mechanics
[Stocci Studio telgram group]https://t.me/stoccistudio)