Secure Drop

Only accounts whitelisted, with special conditions or a private link can claim this drop

Possible mint: #31 / 1000

Shipbroman Early Membership


Available / Max supply 70 / 100

Sold 30

**Shipbroman is building his Play 2 Earn game ready by the end of the month so he will share some of the Early Access Membership for people active in his Discord ( ) and in his
Twitch Stream ( )

So get in to get WHITELISTED for the Membership.

Once you Join Discord head over to Rules and react to get the Member Role
After you get the Member Role head over to #wax-crypto-games and post your WAX Address for the Whitelist so you can claim the Early Access Membership for the upcoming game. Be active in his Shipbroman's Twitch stream to earn prizes like NFTs and Crypto