Possible mint: #73 / ∞


Egg Box


393.54 WAX

Available / Max supply 50 / 100

Sold 50

The egg box contains a random egg with the following rates:

19,033% - Mushos Egg (Common)
19,033% - Beeink Egg (Common)
19,033% - Snika Egg (Common)
9,6% - Remo Egg (Rare)
9,6% - Fliie Egg (Rare)
9,6% - Litocross Egg (Rare)
3,5% - Goatic Egg (Epic)
3,5% - Bullsbull Egg (Epic)
3,5% - Nimbus Egg (Epic)
1,2% - Rockie Egg (Legendary)
1,2% - Kowski Egg (Legendary)
1,2% -Sphinx Egg (Legendary)