Secure Drop

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Possible mint: #899 / ∞

Sold out

Parts Pack (TACO)



Available / Max supply 0 / 40

Sold 40

WHITELIST (Snapshot at 11:59pm CST 6/7/22)
Founder's Vehicle Holder

5 Vehicle Parts plus chance of Mystery Item
98% Chance of Common, 2% Chance of Uncommon Parts

Parts Pack Breakdown
6 Total Slots in this Pack
5 Slots will contain either an Engine, Transmission, Suspension, Frame or Computer.
1 Slot will contain either nothing or a rare item like a Mythic Fede's Taco, Mythic Nightcrawler, Legendary Doggy Style, Epic Zero Point, Rare BYOH, Uncommon Great White or Rare Viper Vehicles. Mythic Drivers Pack, Legendary Drivers Pack.

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